1. "Model (Sinden Remix)" by To My Boy.
I found this awesome little remix, which quips "this weekend I constructed a model for the answer. it wasn't very easy, but these things never are i suppose!" what is to my boy answering? the question of life's purpose? hm. left me wondering. awesome house/techno beat with great production backing and remix by Sinden, a great British DJ that's worth checking out.
2."No One" by Alicia Keys
New midtempo love song from her forthcoming album, As I Am. Adequate lyrics, great instrumentation as always, but you can tell her voice has aged in the years since her last album. Slurred runs, overexertion, pitchiness. But still, a good track to brighten a day. It's all about that feeling one gets in an ideal relationship. Sure, it's trite, but it's cute. "No one/can get in the way of what i feel for you." Makes me feel lacking in the relationship area. sigh.
"Busy Child" by The Crystal Method
Now playing: The Prodigy - Shoot Down
via FoxyTunes
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